A New Universalist Ethics for the Market Economy from the Perspective of Humanistic Capitalism
Humanistic Capitalism, Law & Economics, Business & Ethics, Neoliberalism, FraternityAbstract
Objective: The objective of this research is the relationship between Liberal Economics, Ethics, Human Rights, having as theoretical reference the literature formed on Humanistic Capitalism.
Methodology: Hypothetical-deductive method, aided by literature review research, as a means to present a reflexive critique of the problem.
Relevance: The constitutional prominence conferred to the dignity, is founded an economic order that is not summarized to the imperatives and values of liberal capitalism, neither of economic impositions by the global economy, but the normative adoption by the values of a humanized capitalism, from a jus humanist perspective on Economic Law, which starts from the normative structured by Human Rights, which employs the quantum consubstantiality of structures of liberty, equality and fraternity as supports, directed including to the economic activity.
Contributions: The use of the term market economy linked to capitalism, since the former is the material expression of the latter. From the outset, it is worth indicating that, for the purposes of this study, these terms should be adequately differentiated. This is because the assumption of the notion of market is the very idea of structure through which the exchange of goods and the provision of services take place.
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