Guidelines (style)

Academic Guidelines for Authors - Journal of Administrative Justice System

1. Author Eligibility:
1.1 The Journal of Administrative Justice System exclusively accepts articles authored by individuals holding Doctoral degrees or co-authored with other Doctors and/or Doctoral students.

2. Article Submission Requirements:
2.1 Articles using the author-date system or expressions such as Op.Cit., Idem, and Ibid will not be accepted. Authorship should be indicated in a footnote.
2.2 The submitted article must be original and not have been published in any other national or international journal. Simultaneous submission to other journals during the evaluation process is not allowed.
2.3 The article can have a maximum of three authors.
2.4 Article Dimension: Articles should have a minimum of 15 (fifteen) and a maximum of 30 (thirty) pages.
2.5 The structured abstract (in English) must be provided following the model described in item 4.1.2.
2.6 Manuscripts that do not comply with the formatting guidelines established in item 4 of the "author guidelines" will be promptly rejected.
2.7 Articles must be written in English.
2.8 In the case of collaborations written in a different language from the author's, a Translation Certificate issued by a Language Center is mandatory.
2.9 The bibliography should demonstrate the perspective of foreign scholars on the subject.

3. Article Submission Process:
3.1 Each author (individually or co-authored) may only submit one article simultaneously to the Journal of Administrative Justice System.
3.2 Authors of articles approved for publication must wait 18 months before submitting a new article, starting from the publication date of the issue in which the article appears.
3.3 Responsibility: Signed articles are exclusively the responsibility of the authors. The content of the signed articles does not reflect the opinion of the Journal of Administrative Justice System.
3.4 Authors will be notified of the evaluation result of their articles via email.
3.5 After submission, the list of authors cannot be altered.
3.6 At the time of submission, the author(s) must indicate the research line to which the contribution belongs, accompanied by a brief justification in the "comments to the editor" field.

4. Evaluation Process:
4.1 The decision regarding the publication of articles is made by the Editors based on the evaluation of reviewers, following the "double blind peer review" system.
4.2 The evaluation process consists of two stages:
4.2.1 In the first stage, articles submitted to the Journal of Administrative Justice System are examined by the editors to determine their timeliness, relevance, and alignment with the journal's area of interest, scope, and formatting instructions stipulated in the "author guidelines."
4.2.2 In the second stage, articles approved in the previous stage are sent to reviewers who will evaluate them using the "double blind peer review" system. Reviewers may recommend publication, suggest necessary adjustments for publication, or reject publication.
4.3 The publication of articles will be subject to editorial considerations.
4.4 The Editors, in collaboration with the Editorial Board, reserve the right to make necessary textual adjustments without compromising the content, aiming to standardize the presentation.
4.5 Articles rejected on their merits in any stage of evaluation cannot be resubmitted for review by the journal.
4.6 The Editors' final decision to reject a manuscript is conclusive, with no possibility of appeal.

5. Article Formatting:
5.1 Nature and basic structural elements of the Articles:
5.1.1 Title must have a maximum of 12 (twelve) words.
5.1.2 Articles must contain the following content in the specified order: title, structured abstract and keywords, introduction, development topics divided into numbered items, final considerations, and references of cited sources.
5.1.3 The title and structured abstract should be concise and objective, containing between 150 to 250 words, highlighting contextualization, objectives, methodology, and results.
5.1.4 Provide a maximum of five keywords reflecting the fundamental ideas of the text.
5.1.5 The author's identification should include their academic title, educational institution, city, state, country, and email address.
5.1.6 The introduction should present the theme, objectives, research problem, hypotheses, delimitation, and justification.
5.1.7 In the final considerations, the results should be presented objectively, highlighting their contribution(s) to the respective area of study.
5.1.8 The references of cited sources should be listed in alphabetical order by the author's last name.

6. Article Formatting Guidelines:
6.1 The font should be Arial, size 12, with a line spacing of 1.5, justified alignment, and a paragraph indent of 1.25 cm.
6.2 The margins should be 3 cm, on A4-sized paper, without spacing before or after paragraphs.
6.3 Text editor: Word for Windows 6.0 or later.

7. Citations and Notes:
7.1 Short direct quotations (up to three lines) should be inserted into the text within quotation marks and without italics.
7.2 Long direct quotations (more than three lines) should be presented in an independent paragraph, 4 cm indent left margin, with Arial 10 font, single spacing, and without quotation marks.
7.3 Authorship attribution should be made in a footnote using Arial 10 font and not in an endnote. Provide the complete reference of the work in the first citation and subsequently indicate only the author's name, the title of the work, and the page number.
7.4 Articles that use the author-date format or expressions such as Op.Cit., Idem, and Ibidem will not be accepted.
7.5 The titles of works should be bolded, not italicized.
7.6 When there is a translation of the text, use "Translation by [Translator's Name]" instead of "Trans."

8. Models and Examples of References:
8.1 In the first citation: LAST NAME, First Name. Title: Subtitle (if any). Edition (if any). Translation by [Translator's Name] (if any). Place of Publication: Publisher, Publication Date. Page number.
8.2 In subsequent citations: LAST NAME, First Name. Title: Subtitle (if any). Page number.
8.3 Chapter in a Book: LAST NAME OF CHAPTER AUTHOR, First Name. Title of the chapter. In: LAST NAME OF BOOK EDITOR, First Name (Ed.). Title of the document in bold. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. pp. x-y.
8.4 Monograph, Dissertation, Thesis: LAST NAME OF AUTHOR, First Name. Title of the document in bold. Dissertation (Master's in __). Faculty of __. University of __. Location, Year.
8.5 Journal Article: LAST NAME OF AUTHOR, First Name. Title of the article. Name of the Journal in bold, Place of Publication, vol. x, no. x, pp. x-y. Month Year.
8.6 Signed Newspaper Article: LAST NAME OF AUTHOR, First Name. Title of the article. Name of the Newspaper in bold, Place of Publication, vol. x, no. x, pp. x-y. Month Year.
8.7 Unsigned Newspaper Article: TITLE of the article with the first word capitalized. Name of the Newspaper in bold, Place of Publication, vol. x, no. x, pp. x-y.

Day Month Year.
8.8 Electronic Journal Article: LAST NAME OF AUTHOR, First Name. Title of the article. Name of the Journal in bold, Place. Day Month Year [if available]. Available at: URL. Accessed on: Day Month Year.
8.9 Electronic Newspaper Article: LAST NAME OF AUTHOR, First Name. Title of the article. Name of the Newspaper in bold, Place. Day Month Year. Available at: URL. Accessed on: Day Month Year.

Copyright Notice:
Authors attest to the originality, novelty, and authorship of the manuscript and assume civil and criminal responsibility for its content. Authors agree with the Editorial Policies of the Journal of Administrative Justice System and authorize its online publication on the Journal's website, as well as in its indexers. They also authorize the sharing of the article on the journal's social media platforms to make the work more widely known in the scientific community. The authors allow the language of the text to be reformulated if necessary, without payment for copyright, and grant indefinite rights to the same, as well as the rights to exhibit, publish, reproduce, store, and/or use it in any other form. The authors grant these rights, without remuneration, burden, or charge, in favor of the Journal of Administrative Justice System, ensuring its exclusive use and enjoyment of the work.

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The names and addresses provided will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.