The application of compliance on environmental issues




Compliance, Environmental Compliance, Environmental


Objective: This article aims to present a vision about compliance and environmental compliance, a necessary tool for companies to fulfill with responsibility and priority the maintenance and preservation of the environment and environmental order, as well as in relation to the document from the representative of the UN Secretary General, John Ruggie, which indicates parameters of conduct for companies and environmental protection. 

Methodology: The descriptive method was used for research, based on bibliographical works and scientific articles, aiming to present knowledge that provides a better understanding of the topic, as well as referring to the UN document, descriptive of parameters that deserve to be observed and respected.

 Results: Through this article, the considerations presented on compliance, environmental compliance and Ruggie's parameters; in particular principle 22 and its reference also to 31, the need for constant monitoring is highlighted by companies that carry out activities that are directly or indirectly linked to environmental issues, establishing mechanisms for compliance with safety measures, as well as , foresight and constant care for the well-being of the environment and those involved, as an essential condition for a company to be considered reliable, respected and sustainable.

Contributions: The study deals with compliance and the guidelines established by the UN to effectively meet and implement the process of resolving issues involving the environment and its preservation, verifying whether the policies adopted by the Brazilian State really meet the need in terms of effectiveness of environmental guarantees.


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Author Biographies

Edna de Cássia Santos, Centro Universitário Curitiba – UNICURITIBA, Curitiba (PR)

Mestranda em Direito Empresarial e Cidadania do Centro Universitário Curitiba – UNICURITIBA. Curitiba – Paraná. Brasil.

Gabriel Inacio Santos, Centro Universitário UNICURITIBA, Curitiba-PR

Mestrando em Direito Empresarial e Cidadania do Centro Universitário Curitiba – UNICURITIBA. Curitiba – Paraná. Brasil.

Jose Laurindo de Souza Netto, Centro Universitário UNICURITIBA, Curitiba-PR

Desembargador do Tribunal de Justiça do Estado do Paraná. Coordenador do Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Senso Unicuritiba. Professor e pesquisador.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, E. de C. .; SANTOS, G. I. .; SOUZA NETTO, J. L. de . The application of compliance on environmental issues. Journal of Administrative Justice System, Florianópolis (SC), v. 11, n. 00, p. e0421, 2023. DOI: 10.37497/revistacejur.v11i00.421. Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 jul. 2024.



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